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You Fucker
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And Now Your're Dead
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Into The Darkness
Set Me Free
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Thank You

All Reasons To Do It




So many chances

And I said no

Because they don’t care

Because they don’t know

What’s really to me

My believes

In love


You can’t fall

For good looks

Money or

Fancy clothes

There is nothing

Above true



And when you get drunk

You think that you

Don’t care

Anyway tomorrow you

Will not know

But on the end you do

And go home alone


One nightstand

What’s the point

To sleep with somebody

That you don’t know

Wake up next day

And feel like shit

In love alone


But when your “love”

Do everything

You don’t approve of

You think fuck love

Fuck everybody

Have a good time

And move on…



 Fighting Temptations



 What’s good?

What’s wrong?

What’s right?

And what’s bad?

Who can judge?

Who’s to say?

To be married

Or to be alone?

To cheat?

Is the waiting to long?

So many chances

And I said no.

Just few minutes ago

I said don’t!

Am I guilty?

Or should  just go on?

Pretend that I don’t care

Seeing him in there

And somewhere in my head

Drive myself insane

Just break

And say

Fuck everything

And sleep with first one

That comes my way?






 F* For The Money


What’s wrong with that

Giving you body



It’s just a sex

No emotions they say

So why no to do it

And make some money

On the way

Been once there

Went away and said

Never again

On the point

Of almost not having


To make some money

I think is the best way

How low can you go

Taking your clothes

Hoping nobody will ever know

But you know that

There is no emotions involved

In your head just one thought

Make some money

Forget it ever happened

And move on




Worst thing I could do

Is to cry in front of you

Say the things I wish to say

Hope you may understand

How I feel

That my love is real

But like any other human being

I feel



They all say

How bad I am

Crazy things I do

But they don’t know

How much I love you

How much you mean to me

And all what I do

I just for the show

Not for me, not for you


I feel so guilty

Oh God I do

I did something

What may hurt you

I hope you will forgive me

Because the worst thing I could so

Is to cry in front of you

Something I’ll never do

I asked God now I’m asking you



Forgive me…





It’s My Turn Now


My time

My year

My turn

Oh, dear

Such a long time

Almost 27 years

Just pain and suffering

Waiting for things to change

Waiting for miracle

Expecting others to do it

But not doing the same

Right people on the right place

Moving fast

No time to waste

I have a plan

Time to proceed

Few more days

And I’ll be off my dear…





In my life

I made so many mistakes

Maybe this is one as well

But I don’t care


One more

On the very long list

Will not hurt me

Not more then already is


I’m believer

And I am pushing it

Until the very end

Maybe is wrong but I don’t care


I want it

And I’ll get it

Like this or on the other way

Will it make me happy? Who can say?


And when all this

Comes to an end

I am going to say

Ah, mistakes, mistakes, mistakes…



Will I ever learn something?


Mrs. Henderson Presents


Beautiful girls

Naked as they could be


But innocents

No one could see.

What’s wrong

In showing your body?

Feel free.

We made this way

Let everybody see!



Sweet inspiration.

Every one lives in expectation.

Just a dream.

And when you see

No way for your dream

What’s there left to be?

Sweet inspiration

Every one lives in expectation

It’s just a dream…




Nearest Thing To Crazy

I’ve never been crazy

Crazy on my own

But there are the things

The places


I’ve never known


Some feeling come

Some go

Some old

Some unknown

Some I’ve never known


State of mind

Or just a thought




I’ve never known




I guess that all


The nearest thing to crazy

I’ve never known

Never Let It Go




One precious moment.

Moment you have it all

Somebody to love

Somebody to love you

Great friends



You should never let it go!

No moments.

Nobody to love

Nobody loves you

You don’t have it all

What is there to let go?






Everything means nothing

To you

But why you have his photo

When in my wallet is you


All the small things

Make me a bit worry

We just started all over again

And I may already feel sorry


Everything was fine

I guess still is

Except photo in your wallet

That makes me feel like this


My mood changed

I feel a bit down

I’d start to cry

If you were not around


Did I made a right decision

Only time could tell

But that photo made me day

Living hell




Really Real

Laying in my bed

Things running thru my head

Is it really real

Where you really here

Or it’s just a dream

On the point to divorce

I didn’t had a choice

But to believe

That you were not here

This is not real

It’s just a dream

And then you were gone

Leaving me behind


With things in my mind

Worries and prays

For you, for us, for better days

Wishing the end was near

And for you to be here

In bed next to me dear

To make all this really real









Far away

Something holds you down

Doesn’t let you breath

You are sad


Pain tarring you apart

Not just now

But whole your life

Nothing to make you feel good

Nobody to make you satisfy

All the wrong things

Rule your life

Great sadness

Taking your life

Alone with the voice in your head

Makes you everything end



Far away






Am I really bad

Or you are really saint?

I don’t understand things I do,

Everything I do

Seems it’s wrong and bad!

All you do is perfect

Like you are a saint.

You go out,

Get drunk,

Fight with some guy,

Come next day and

I have to believe you

Because that’s what you say!

And everything I do

I am trying to tell you

And then I am bad guy

And all what I say is a lie?

And then you go and say

Do whatever you want to

Kiss, fuck, whatever I don’t care!


So I’ll be the one to blame?

Or you telling me to do

Whatever I want to do

So you have excuse for doing it too?

Or just to not feel so guilty

Because you did something

I’ll not approved?

I just want to know

What’s the deal?

Not because I want to do something

But just to not feel

That every time I walk out

You’ll doubt

And think I’ll lie again,


One thing I know for sure

I am not a bad guy.

But there is something in things you say,

You hiding something.

You are a liar.

You are definitely not a SAINT!!!






So Good To Be Alone


Do and go

Where ever you want

Eat, drink and sleep

On your own

Your own space


And TV

Walked around butt naked


Feel free

No need to call

When are you not coming home

No need to worry

About dinner

No sorry

For doing something wrong

It’s you, nobody else

You are alone

All this apologies

Sweet words

Bullshit that never works

Who the fuck cares

The best thing of all

To be alone…



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